Monday, February 4, 2013

You might picture [spiritual awareness] as a kind of interior compass whose magnetic north is always fixed on God.  It's thre, it's as much a part of what hold you in life as your breathing or your heartbeat.  And its purpose, just like a compass, is for orientation.

...spiritual awareness perceives through an intuitive grasp of the whole and an innate sense of belonging.  It's something like sounding the note G on the piano and instantly hearing the D and the B that surround it to make it a chord.  and since spiritual awareness is perception based on harmony, the sense of selfhood arising out of it is not plagued by that sense of isolation and anxiety that dominates life at the ordinary level of awareness.

If we have within us a compass pointing to the magnetic north of God, does this mean taht God dwells within us, as the center of our being?...Caustously, the answer to this question is "yes."  I say "cautiously" because Christian theology makes very clear that the human being is not god and that ht einnermost core of our being is not itself divine.  And yet theology has always upheld the reality of our own divine being become more and more mysteriously interwoven.

Cynthia Bourgeault, Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, pg. 12

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